Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Purchasing an iphone 3g insurance is very important as it will save you unexpected costs that may arise from device malfunctions, theft, or damages. Many research studies have found that over 80% of  iphone malfunctions are caused through accidents therefore its imperative that you cover your mobile device with a good iphone 3g insurance plan, the costs of  replacing and repairing of your iphone is expensive and goes beyond your budget.

Imagine the stress of always being on alert, worrying and wondering if your phone is safe in your surroundings especially when your gadgets warranty has expired all because you don’t have an iphone 3g insurance plan, so always ensure your phone against any eventualities for your own peace of mind. Most people depend on their iphone to get through their days and its unthinkable to them to loose not only their means of communication with their loved ones but the amazing features and applications iphone 3g has thus its better to play safe by investing in good iphone 3g insurance plan.

The good thing about iphone 3g insurance companies is they cover for most damages that include data lost recovery, battery failure, theft, liquid and accidental damages. Incase an iphone 3g insurance company cannot repair a phone they replace it with a new one, so go get yourself an iphone insurance plan .Look for companies that have better terms and conditions, cover most damages and above all compare prices of different iphone 3g companies to select the one that suits you the best.

You can buy an iphone 3g insurance plan before the phones manufacture warranty expires to enjoy double benefits from the two companies, but note that iphone manufacturer provides a year warranty that only covers for malfunctions that are manufacture fault related. On the other hand most iphone insurance company covers for a lot of malfunctions for long periods with flexible, favorable terms and conditions,they also have zero deductible policies that ensures you will not pay any fee to repair your phone.

To reach these quality iphone insurance providers its advised that you do a thorough research especially online where there is where all necessary information to be obtained, don’t  just settle on the first iphone 3g insurance companies that appear on search engines as they are not necessarily the best instead broaden your research further for easy comparisons and detailed knowledge. Go for iphone insurance company sites that have contact addresses  with clear detailed information about their cover plan that includes prices, benefits and their terms and conditions so skip those with less information in order to save you time.

There is no better way to protect your phone from theft and damage than with an iphone 3g insurance plan, do research on different iphone 3g insurance companies and the services they provide before signing any contract and go for the one that covers most damages at reasonable rates, its important to ask questions about an insurance policy that is not understood, never assume the meaning of a certain policy.


Siempre recibo varias preguntas…

Siempre recibo varias preguntas sobre ¿cuál es el mejor sitio para aprender reglas para jugar poker? La respuesta radica en múltiples fuentes de sitios por la web, aunque tiene una genial y variada colección de notas y guías de reglas para jugar poker difícil que no se encuentra en otros sitios en la web. Primer paso es evaluar los diversos formatos del poker a jugar (ej: Limit Hold´Em, No Limit Hold´Em, Stud, Omaha, etc).

El poker con mayor cantidad de seguidores es el No Limit Hold´Em. Aún luego de determinar eso, encontrar buenas reglas para jugar poker Hold’Em no es tarea fácil. Vale la pena mencionar que cuando hablamos de reglas, hacemos alusión a no sólo a las reglas en sí pero también a las guías y estrategias para jugar de la mejor forma posible cada mano. Cada mano tiene su forma óptima de jugar, si uno juega de esa forma a la larga ganará la mayoría de veces.

Sumado a las reglas básicas, es recomendable tener de referencia un site que tenga buen orden la información sobre reglas para jugar poker así poder avanzando de a poco en tu juego a medida que pasa el tiempo y ganas experiencia. Un conjunto ideal de reglas para jugar poker tendrá tácticas para optimizar tus oportunidades de ganar en cada mano. Este compendio de reglas debería adaptarse a tu posición particular en la mesa, la cantidad de fichas, momento en el torneo, estilo de juego de adversarios, subidas y re-subidas, momento de la mano (pre/post flop, turn y river) y demás variables. Cualquier agrupación de reglas para jugar poker que valga la pena tiene que manejar conceptos de probabilidad. Las mejores estrategias parten de cuál es la mejor opción ante un escenario o mano posible en contra de una o varias manos de adversarios promedios. Las probabilidades se van desarrollando a medida que la mano avanza, a su vez las reglas para jugar poker también.
Es importantísimo conocer las distintas reglas para jugar poker en pre-flop como post-flop. Un ejemplo es una mano como 9 y 10 suited (del mismo palo) que pre-flop es una mano mediocre y muy fácil de dominar, pero si el flop aparece 4-9-10, la mano combinada es doble pareja. Este tipo de manos se llaman una mano monstruo con muy alta probablidad de ganar el bote.

Otras consideraciones para reglas para jugar poker son las herramientas online que te ayudan a visualizar estadísticas de jugadores y tener una ventaja sobre tus oponentes. Si el objetivo es ganar dinero, estas programas pueden ayudarte a encontrar más fácilmente los peces (“fish”) y evitar los tiburones (“sharks). A su vez es infaltable en las mejores reglas para jugar poker se encuentran recomendaciones en la preparación en las distintas modalidades de torneos (sit & go, cash, rush poker, etc). Esperamos que este artículo haya sido útil para iniciarte en el aprendizaje del mundo del poker online.

Una buena pregunta con que me he topado siempre es:

Una buena pregunta con que me he topado siempre es: ¿dónde es el mejor lugar para aprender reglas para jugar poker? Si bien siempre es mejor múltiples fuentes de sitios por internet, tiene una excelente y variada recolección de artículos y guías de reglas para jugar poker difícil de encontrar en otros lados de la red. Primero tendrías que ver la distintas variantes del poker a jugar (ej: Limit Hold´Em, No Limit Hold´Em, Stud, Omaha, etc). El poker más seguido y practicado es el No Limit Hold´Em. Aún así, encontrar buenas reglas para jugar poker Hold’Em no es fácil. Ahora, cuando hablamos de reglas, nos referimos no sólo a las reglas propiamente dichas sino también a las estrategias y guías para jugar de la mejor forma posible cada mano.
Además de las reglas básicas, es bueno tener la referencia de un sitio que tenga bien ordenada la información sobre reglas para jugar poker para poder ir progresivamente avanzando en tu juego a medida que pasa el tiempo. Un buen conjunto de reglas para jugar poker tendrá estrategias para maximizar tus oportunidades de ganar en todo momento.

 Estas reglas deberían adaptarse a tu posición en la mesa, cantidad de fichas, momento del torneo, estilo de adversarios, subidas y resubidas, momento de la jugada (pre/post flop, turn y river) y más variables. Cualquier set de reglas para jugar poker que se precie debería manejar los conceptos de probabilidad. Buenas estrategias nacen en cuál es la mejor decisión ante un escenario o mano posible contra una o varias manos de adversarios promedios. Las probabilidades van evolucionando a medida que la mano se desenvuelve, consigo las reglas para jugar poker también.

Es crítico saber las diversas reglas para jugar poker tanto pre-flop como post-flop. Un simple ejemplo es una mano como 8 y 9 suited (del mismo palo) que pre-flop es una mano mediocre y muy fácil de dominar, pero si el flop aparece 3-9-8, la mano combinada es doble pareja lo que se llama una mano monstruo con muy alta probablidad de ganar el bote.

Otros temas para reglas para jugar poker son las herramientas online que te ayudan a manejar estadísticas de jugadores y tener una ventaja sobre oponentes. Si tu intención es ganar dinero, estas herramientas pueden ayudar a encontrar los peces (“fish”) y evitar los tiburones (“sharks). También infaltable en las mejores reglas para jugar poker se encuentran consejos para como prepararse para las diversas modalidades de torneos (sit & go, cash, rush poker, etc).


An iphone 3g is a piece an state of art in technology that not everyone of us can afford, its awesome applications and features make it an asset that is worth covering with a good, reliable, efficient,  iphone 3g insurance plan to keep it safe and secure. The increasing number of iphone 3g owners has seen increase and competition from iphone 3g insurance companies that are ready to make these owner there loyal clients, this has made it difficult for owners to select an insurance company that fits them best. In order to choose better insurance plan do several online research about best iphone 3g insurance companies that have a good reputation.

I phone 3g insurance information is easily available online through a number of research, online forums is among the best resources where you can get plenty of information about iphone 3g insurance. People who use  forums services will recommend, comment and even advice on iphone 3g insurance companies that offer better services depending on the experiences they have had therefore online forums make reliable sources. To obtain more information about iphone 3g insurance companies you can post questions on forums that will be discussed thereby enabling you go for the best answers. Another common online resource is the search engine services that have thousands of resources available related to your research.

Manufacturers of iphone 3g provide short warranties that are not necessarily a cover, this is because they will only fix damages that are manufacture based so if your phone is accidentally damaged or stolen they will not to repair. On the other hand iphone 3g insurance have better plans that cover almost all possible damages and theft thus getting yourself a reliable and quality providing service of an iphone insurance plan will do you good .Before signing of contract always ask your chosen iphone 3g insurance company about the benefits that you get and the kind of damages they will not repair when you ensure with them, this will give you knowledge about what is expected from both sides.

Choose an iphone 3g insurance company that has flexible rates or prices, long period of cover and flexible terms and conditions. Its recommended to insure your phone before its warranty expires just incase an incident occurs that cannot be covered by your manufacturer warranty or after it expires. For those that own more than one iphone always ask an iphone 3g insurance company if they cover for such cases in order for them to provide you with the best insurance plan they have. I phone 3g is a personal gadget that is not covered by other insurance cover e.g. household insurance thus you should not assume that mobile devices are always covered by other insurance companies so seek information.

Iphone3g insurance cover against damage is important as it gives you peace of mind. Asking questions about advantages and disadvantages of an iphone3g insurance company plan will educate you on the services that an insurance company does not cover and ensure you get the best insurance plan.


Despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of people own mobile phone devices , a large number do not consider having this form of gadget insured. High end mobile phone device owners like an iphone 3g can benefit from insuring their gadget from a good iphone 3g insurance company that has more advantages than disadvantages therefore you should avoid insurance companies that have policies that favor themselves more than you their client.

Its vital to know that iphone 3g insurance companies  differ in prices, plans, damages covered, terms and conditions, some cover few damages at fair prices while others other companies cover most damages either at high or low prices, so do research online before settling with an iphone 3g insurance of your choice. If you are insured you can get in touch with your insurance company to ask if they cover for an iphone 3g since there are those companies that cover for such mobile devices though few they are known to be expensive .If you are a family person with family members who own different iphone 3g you will have to look for an iphone 3g insurance company that has policies that covers for the whole family. I phone 3g that is registered to a certain company for business use can also be covered this means that mobile insurance companies are not limited to personal gadgets.

The most common services provided by an iphone 3g insurance company includes; contact data back-up, gadget break down cover with or without manufactures warranty period, combination insurance, this means iphone 3g with other mobile phone types cover and international iphone 3g cover against theft and accidental damage so you can confidently travel with your phone anywhere in the world knowing its fully covered incase of any incidents. International covers are especially good for those individuals that travel a lot throughout the globe as this will save you the expense of buying gadgets to the different places you go. Although there are few iphone insurance companies that cover internationally those that do state so.

Response vary from one iphone 3g insurance company to another, while repairing of an iphone 3g is known to be resolved almost immediately, replacement of a gadget can take up to 48 hours that is after filling a successful claim before they send you a new iphone 3g. The benefit of  iphone 3g insurance companies that repair and replace phones within a short time period is you will not stay for long without your mobile device. If you mostly use iphone 3g then its wise to file a claim immediately to your respective iphone 3g insurance company to avoid un-necessary delays. Services for repairing a damaged iphone from an authorized repair shop are quite expensive that is almost buying another phone not to mention delays for they are known to repair phones for quite a long time.

Its agreeable that iphone 3g is an expensive mobile device that needs to be covered by an iphone 3g insurance company .The cost of repairing and replacing a gadget is higher in comparison to that of insuring your phone with a quality service providing iphone 3g insurance company. For visit: iphone 3g insurance